Tuesday, August 7, 2007

18禁不禁 第15集 (3 of 8)

Duration: 568 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-05 12:27:11
User: icefishyuna
:::: Favorites

18禁不禁 第15集 (3 of 8)

jaxkiept09 ::: Favorites
cool house~~i like the doors of QIAO'S room~
07-08-06 07:37:15
zecidelvento ::: Favorites
thank to uploading
07-08-06 08:44:34

GUANTANAMO: Leahy on Importance of Restoring Habeas Corpus

Duration: 36 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-07 19:04:11
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Senator Leahy explains that the Senate needs to debate the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act. He explains just how important the act's passing is to America

wiskawind ::: Favorites
Bush posted Directive 51 on May 9, 2007; read it and see for yourself what plans he has for us Americans next!
07-06-11 13:22:53
concerned00citizen ::: Favorites
Restore a law? Why did he let them be ignored in the first place. Leahy allowed King George to do whatever he wants CAUSE Leahy is GUILTY of war crimes and doesn't want to have to charge himself and his cronies!
07-06-13 07:04:06
ockhamselectricrazor ::: Favorites
Temporary suspension of habeas corpus in wartime for extremely exceptional cases is reasonable and precedented in US history. However to invoke this in an endless war means permanent abolishment of this basic American right, is a victory for our enemies. Wake up America and defend our country from the would be dictators that are destroying precious way of life! Support this action while we still have a chance to save our freedoms.
07-06-13 11:47:50
Bullettube ::: Favorites
Leahy spokeout against, and voted against this bill from day one. It was a Republican Congress that was stampeded into voting to remove your Constitutional rights.
07-06-16 14:28:39
Bullettube ::: Favorites
Habeas Corpus is an internationally recognized human right, as is free speech and freedom of the press. We don't allow foreigners to enter out country with weapons either. Our freedoms are in our Writen Constitution, but we don't impose those rights on others, we grant them.
07-06-16 14:33:26
sodie77 ::: Favorites
Maybe if Mexico violated the terms of a signed cease fire and disarmament, then resumption of the military action is fully justified. The US military is not a police force and do not follow the rules of the American civilian police force. If you are caught in another country, not your own, carrying out terrorist activities, you fall under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice.
07-06-19 15:43:51
sodie77 ::: Favorites
An illegal combatant is not afforded protections of the Geneva Conventions. They are not uniformed, they don't fight for a state or nation and carry out terrorist actions against civilian targets.
07-06-19 15:44:12
oolong2 ::: Favorites
Get one thing straight, there were inspectors on the ground when war started in Iraq. They were not allowed to finish the job. The war was started for regime change, you have been misled. Uniformed Code of Military Justice is not meant for mass imprisonment of civilians and the supreme court seems to agree. The point is, without habeaus corpus WE DON'T KNOW who was involved in terrorist activities. The innocent are being held for years along with the guilty.
07-06-19 16:24:04
oolong2 ::: Favorites
It is our arrogance that presumes that we know what they are fighting for and that ignorance lumps them all into one category called "The Enemy". When there are many groups with different motivations. And no they don't all target civilians. But most hate the US for invading their country and making their lives miserable. But tell me is it better when the uniformed US military targets civilians? When we fought the revolutionary war against England, where were our uniforms then?
07-06-19 16:38:53
attentionyou2 ::: Favorites
There is better thing to do. So, don't waste time and grab yourself a cool gift. Grab your body parts. Stay safe. Give your body the Healing moment. Sorry... If I am disappoint your expectation. But ...pay attention! It is great what Human be able to create. As soon as you Human get pain in your Ass Legs, Shoulders and Head Just remember my Videos site Go ahead ... Click... and ---Do it with Us.
07-06-20 17:06:53


Duration: 260 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-20 03:38:16
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


3638wan ::: Favorites
***Thank you! l like it.^0^***
07-02-23 11:11:53
wendykarli ::: Favorites
thanks so much for sharing
07-02-23 15:31:29
sharonCB ::: Favorites
07-04-29 04:55:00

CESSPOOL PARODY: Mitt Romney's Ocean Ad

Duration: 77 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-17 17:24:09
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Parody of Romney's ocean ad.

Cassadine1966 ::: Favorites
Romney the issues: 1994: Believed abortion should be safe and legal 2002: Personally against abortion but pro-abortion rights as governor, endorsed legalization of RU-486 (morning-after pill) 2007: Firmly anti-abortion Stem Cell Research 2002: Endorsed embryonic stem cell research 2005: Vetoed stem cell research bill
07-07-31 13:16:50
Cassadine1966 ::: Favorites
""This is a conversation about Mitt Romney not John Kerry" Yeah, when Kerry was running for president in 2004, Mittkakis was demanding Kerry give up his senate seat because of that preoccupation. Romney, a one term, ineffective, governor, was out of the State 212 days in 2006. In 2005, he was often absent too. It seemed Mittens only came around for photo-ops while insulting the state he was entrusted to serve. "
07-07-31 13:18:33
Cassadine1966 ::: Favorites
Great News: WASHINGTON — Rudy Giuliani emerged as the winner in the Republican presidential money contest this quarter, raising more and spending less than both of his leading rivals. Mitt Romney tapped his personal wealth for a $6.5 million loan and John McCain's campaign was seriously considering public financing to revive his all-but-broke presidential bid.
07-07-31 13:23:35
oneeyeddumpsterbaby ::: Favorites
Im 16 dipshit. also u didnt get my point. Since this is AMERICA, u can choose wether or not to join the military. Romney not going into the armed forces is not a sign of cowardice, which is what all the liberal nut jobs whove commented have suggested.
07-08-03 14:02:04
MKB2814 ::: Favorites
"Mitt Romney -- he who lives in fear of talking snowmen" Mitt Romney's creating more straw men than all the cornfields in Kansas, Nebraska, and Iowa combined
07-08-03 15:53:33
MKB2814 ::: Favorites
So, does "70" have his Office of Operations flash their LXX pins before they spin their master's latest verbal gaffe or pathetic pandering?
07-08-03 15:55:48
entrefagnosis ::: Favorites
General consensus of anyone with a brain in their head about Mitt Romney: He's a flip-flopping pandering whore. His views change depending upon which group of people whose votes he's trying to steal. A self righteous patriarch who's never had to struggle a day in his life, because he's always eaten caviar off the silver spoon he was born with. A freqeuent object of entreprenosis' masturbation lust! (And I have the dirty sheets to prove it!)
07-08-04 04:51:24
entrefagnosis ::: Favorites
(Im 16 dipshit. also u didnt get my point. Since this is AMERICA, u can choose wether or not to join the military. ) So, I guess you don't really support the troops, do you, you drooling faggot!
07-08-04 04:52:24
MKB2814 ::: Favorites
In many circumstances , slick Willard Mitt will claim he wasn't able to do anything as Governor because of the "liberal legislature" So, what he is basically saying is that he was useless in getting his pet project bills passed? That he truly was ineffective? Or that his political theater wasn't screamed off of rooftops?
07-08-05 11:51:42
blackturtleus ::: Favorites
Pornography and drugs are the LEAST of our problems as long as Bush/Cheney are in office. War crimes committed by our country's leaders do impact the morality in children in much more insidious ways than porn or drugs ever will!!!
07-08-06 19:02:14


Duration: 269 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-15 22:12:36
User: icefishyuna
:::: Favorites


kcarrey ::: Favorites
this video is part 8/8
07-07-16 09:25:21
xuelun ::: Favorites
yanshu got asthma problem issit?
07-07-16 09:48:48
charlenexmiley ::: Favorites
go to hell bitch!!!!!! YANSHU SUCKS!!!
07-07-16 10:02:44
Kikachu ::: Favorites
fuck ya!!!! yanshu is soooo fucking ugly and fuck tard accent.. makes me want to kill her -_-
07-07-17 16:35:40
ixsuperqirl ::: Favorites
i know riqht ! >:O qoshhh !! she`s such a muthereffin`bitch -____-; ! she`s just jealous of jia di. yeah yeah, yanshu, be jealous & GO TO HELL, BiTCH !
07-07-16 13:51:11
ChOfF888 ::: Favorites
liking this new drama =)~ Ranine is as cute as always...~ Zhuan yi is very handsome~!
07-07-16 18:40:20
iampurple2003 ::: Favorites
I don't like the way she's talking, weird... make people want to slap her face...yanshu
07-07-17 15:47:50
01S0ULL ::: Favorites
i totally agree. yan shu has issues...
07-07-19 08:28:05


Duration: 93 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-05 22:48:03
User: tiinababy
:::: Favorites



Duration: 173 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-22 06:59:34
User: pilicreateworld
:::: Favorites

霹靂創世錄: 98.to/pilicreateworld

venezuela estudiantes escuálidos (1/3)

Duration: 599 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-26 13:49:24
User: kyvids
:::: Favorites

25/06/07 Bajar con http://keepvid.com/ Descárgate los vídeos ahora, no esperes a que desaparezcan Estudiantes "pacíficos": las tomas muestran como Stalin González y otros oposicionistas atacan a policías de una forma salvaje Por: Luigino Bracci / La Hojilla Aún cuando los medios opositores describieron la protesta estudiantil de este 14 de junio de 2007 en la Fiscalía como "pacífica", estas nuevas tomas desde un plano superior muestran como Stalin González y varios otros jóvenez oposicionistas atacaron a los policías, en algunos casos de una forma salvaje. Nótese cómo los policías tuvieron órdenes estrictas de no responder.... normalmente, en otros casos se hubiera disuelto la protesta con lacrimógenas. "Mis estudiantes" de la CIA Por: Boscán B. Henry M. La idea fue implementada por richard nixon en contra de quienes protestaban por la criminal guerra en Vietnam. Agentes encubiertos se inscribían en las universidades de ee.uu para luego infiltrarse en las protestas antiguerra. La más célebre de todas se suscitó frente al la propia casa blanca, donde jóvenes agentes de la CIA lograron provocar un feroz enfrentamiento entre la guardia nacional y los manifestantes. Tan brutal método represivo dio sus frutos al lograr aplacar las enardecidas multitudes que salieron a repudiar las innecesarias muertes de la guerra contra Vietnam. La táctica de los agentes era muy simple y sus objetivos bastante precisos. Luego de infiltrado un grupo de protesta los agentes de la CIA identificaban a sus líderes para luego proceder a neutralizarlos ya fuese mediante coerción, amenazas e incluso "encarcelamientos preventivos". Contra los jóvenes que no fungían como dirigentes de las protestas sino como meros marchistas fueron aún más feroces. Una vez dentro de la manifestación los agentes arremetían violentamente contra las autoridades a fin de desatar la violencia, logrando con ello que la protesta fuese disuelta y los marchistas detenidos y brutalmente golpedos. De esta estratagema salió luego el famoso manual de la CIA utilizado en innumerables países alrededor del planeta. Con ligeras variantes la CIA comenzó a contratar agentes en todo el globo para que fungieran como estudiantes que luego procedieron a delatar a sus "amigos" sospechosos de simpatizar con movimientos progresistas. De esta forma casi lograron extinguir a los grupos de juveniles izquierda ya fuese mediante la fuerza bruta o la división. La táctica que ahora emplean en Venezuela es una nueva versión del manual de la CIA. Ya comenzamos a ver a jóvenes hijos de la oligarquía venezolana proclamarse "socialistas democráticos". Tal como afirmó yon goicoechea a carlos croes en el programa "Diálogo con" el domingo pasado. En esta semana ha emergido un nuevo joven que dice que "no está de acuerdo con la división de clases que promueve el gobierno", su nombre es freddy guevara. Su discurso pretende ser más "suave" que el de goicoechea y stalin gonzález, pero la saña de sus señalamientos es del mismo talante impertinente y soez que el de los sifrinos caraqueños que a diario vociferan el golpista estribillo de "y va a caer". El joven freddy guevara bien se parece al lo que richard nixon se jacto en llamar "mis estudiantes"... hoy se sabe que eran agentes encubiertos de la CIA. No bajemos la guardia, la historia de las protestas estudiantiles en Latinoamérica está plagada de estos "estudiantes" que luego terminaron convirtiéndose cruentos asesinos de sus pueblos, bien lo saben ellos mismos. Por supuesto que no todos los estudiantes opositores son fichas de la CIA, pero de que los hay, los hay Por: Arnó Martinez Si no fuera por lo serio de la situación tras bastidores que se está presentando en el país en medio de la conspiración que está en desarrollo, resultaría risible el discurso de estos estudiantes universitarios de oposición cuando dicen que ellos no son pagados por la CIA ni que no son imperialistas. Por supuesto ¡bobos!, que no son pagados por la CIA ni son imperialistas, resulta hasta ridículo pensar en esa posibilidad, el asunto es que están siendo manipulados como tontos útiles y son tan necios que todavía hoy, después de toda la información que maneja la opinión pública, acerca de cuál ha sido la conducta histórica de los gobiernos de los Estados Unidos y de instituciones como la CIA, no se hayan percatado de cuál es su participación en esas manifestaciones y que además, cuando si hay gente que está cobrando dólares por sus servicios al imperio, ellos (los estudiantes opositores), están trabajando gratis y están exponiendo su seguridad, porque sabemos que en la medida en que esas manifestaciones injustificadas se sigan realizando, corren mayor riesgo de que algunos de ellos sean asesinados para crear conmoción en el pais y tratar de deslegitimar al gobierno. No hay que caerse a mentiras con el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, a ellos les importa un pito la vida de los estudiantes venezolanos y si tienen que sacrificar algunos, no lo duden, lo van a hacer, incluso si hasta ahora no lo han hecho, no es porque no han querido, es porque tanto la PM como la GN y los organismos de inteligencia han tomado medidas para evitarlo. Así que esos estudiantes y sus padres tienen que estar pendientes del riesgo que corren, recuerden que el imperio no descansa y hoy más que nunca se vuelve mucho más peligroso, porque está desacreditado y mal herido y en medio de esa condición son capaces de cometer cualquier locura. Es evidente que muchos de esos muchachos no son fichas pagadas por el imperio, pero de que hay pagados, los hay y sobre todo de ellos es de quienes deben cuidarse. Una de las pruebas más evidentes de que hay individuos involucrados en la conspiración, es el caso del señor Stalin González, mentiroso compulsivo y para muestra un botón, el famoso día del debate de los estudiantes universitario en la AN, en rueda de prensa por la tarde, este sujeto dijo que no se le permitió la entrada a la AN, cuando en realidad una funcionaria de la misma lo invitó a entrar, él mismo, reconoció haber llegado tarde y que no era importante su presencia porque sus compañeros ya estaban adentro. También dijeron que ellos no habían solicitado debate ni que fueran transmitidos en cadena nacional, cuando en el documento que ellos mismos entregaron a la Asamblea Nacional hablan de debate y piden la participación de todos los medios, tanto públicos como privados. Quién tenga ojos que vea y quién tenga oidos que oiga. Quién sea engañado es porque le da la gana. radio aporrea radioaporrea la hojilla mario silva venezolanos RCTV globovision

Dotcale ::: Favorites
jeje lo de escualidos es un añadido :D
07-07-10 02:54:26
nohe2487 ::: Favorites
acabo de malgastar 10 minutos de mi vida...
07-07-22 02:55:31
kyvids ::: Favorites
Acabo de malgastar 10 segundos de mi preciosa vida antifascista, hasta luego escuálido de mierda ;)
07-07-22 03:00:40


Duration: 88 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-19 07:19:11
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


funnyboyv271 ::: Favorites
There are a ton of lovable cam girls at <B> CAMAHOLIC DOT NET </B>
07-07-18 19:06:44


Duration: 122 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-04 07:30:32
User: btdrln
:::: Favorites


imaricharm00 ::: Favorites
thanks for sharing ^_^
07-08-04 08:56:02
snowi2 ::: Favorites
haha they so cute wif the bun!
07-08-04 10:44:48
snbn124 ::: Favorites
Arron's cute!!! cute!!! cute!!!
07-08-04 10:49:16
amimii ::: Favorites
i cant wait to watch diz drama* and ARRON'z hair style lookz differentt!!!
07-08-04 23:38:07
quekwqf ::: Favorites
jiro look so hot! i love the poster! i cant wait for x family!
07-08-04 23:41:48
acmilansoccer999 ::: Favorites
x family yay!!!! muah aaron is so cute. but i gotta watch ko one first haha. gosh too much drama too lil time
07-08-05 22:53:19


Duration: 58 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-18 07:45:33
User: kurohagi3
:::: Favorites

こんなに身軽なんだねパンダ。 勝手に、動物シリーズ第二弾

JOHN EDWARDS: Closing Remarks @ MoveOn Virtual Town Hall

Duration: 93 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-10 21:50:40
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

John Edwards' closing remarks during MoveOn.org Political Action's unprecedented Virtual Town Hall meeting on Iraq -- where seven presidential candidates answered questions from MoveOn's 3.2 million members. More video is available at www.MoveOn.org. HELP SPREAD THIS VIDEO -- help it climb the YouTube ratings by giving it 5 stars, making it a favorite, commenting, and forwarding to friends!

shivanath2003 ::: Favorites
This is the best. Followed by Gov. Richardson.
07-04-12 02:24:03
hg1110 ::: Favorites
What will you do about the cost of liveing and helth care
07-04-12 14:04:06
westlv ::: Favorites
I donated again today to Ron Paul, LOOK AT MY PROFILE TO SEE WHY...spread the word, get involved and DONATE to Ron Paul, TODAY!!!
07-07-10 14:56:15

Czy Kuchciński mówi po polsku?

Duration: 640 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-01 12:04:23
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

Gość dnia TVP3 31072007 Tak go słucham i pojedyńcze wyrazy mam wrażenie że rozumiem. Jednak po wysłuchaniu całości zupełnie nie wiem o czym on mówił. Dziennikarka zresztą chyba też. Zwróćcie uwagę na jego ręce. Czyżby kolejny uczeń Tymochowicza?

Kaczu ::: Favorites
ale sztywna atmosferka hahah na 3 minute patzrcie
07-08-01 19:05:04
Kiczarian ::: Favorites
nienawidze go
07-08-05 19:39:06
Kiczarian ::: Favorites
ekologowie he he
07-08-05 19:42:14

Fenerbahce 2:1 Admira Wacker Mödling

Duration: 173 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-22 05:45:14
User: ItsYaBoyDeniz
:::: Favorites


talvegia ::: Favorites
zico senin a.q edmar gibi adam varken hala sarı çizmeli deivid de ısrarcı olmanın sebebi ne.bu çocuk deivid denen çapulcunun 2 kat daha kaliteli kumaşa sahip
07-07-28 17:21:26
1907lp ::: Favorites
fener çok ii adam kaçırıyo beğendim ligte daha iyi olucaz inş adamarın attığı glde iyimiş
07-07-30 04:30:26

AFC 2007 South Korea VS Iran Penalty Kick

Duration: 536 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-22 19:49:44
User: fktmxm119
:::: Favorites


Jeradeth ::: Favorites
Thanks. Is it possible for you to post this right after the game? Cause I hate waiting 6 hours before the first video comes out :P
07-07-23 05:47:03
MV520qrf ::: Favorites
i doubt it because they have to record and do alot of editing incluidng rendering to make the video look better. he did a good job though i can actuallly see the players.
07-07-24 12:01:19


Duration: 41 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 01:18:36
User: tiinababy
:::: Favorites


Piotr Bączek

Duration: 172 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-09 11:42:18
User: GrzesiooTV2
:::: Favorites

Szkło kontaktowe TVN24 03102006

anuszka1 ::: Favorites
Facet udziela odpowiedzi dokładnie ortogonalnych. :-)))
07-05-10 16:27:06


Duration: 74 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-06 01:23:02
User: tiinababy
:::: Favorites


AMERICABLOG State of the Union Wrap-Up Show [Highlights]

Duration: 237 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-24 11:23:57
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

John in DC, Joe in DC and Rob in Baltimore talked about the 2007 State of the Union speech immediatly after watching the speech and the Democratic response. [Highlights]

chevychase ::: Favorites
Best commentary on Bush's idiotic State of the Union babble that I have seen yet! Thank you guys!
07-01-24 15:20:09

Robert Borosage speech at Take Back America 2006

Duration: 931 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-05 12:06:01
User: Politicstv
:::: Favorites

Robert Borosage, the co-Director of the Campaign for America's Future (the organization behind the Take Back America conference, opened the conference with a speech before hundreds of activists from around the country who have gathered in Washington, DC. [June 12, 2006]

westphalianprinz ::: Favorites
We've never "owned" this country, although we came close to it during the first two terms of FDR. It's wrong to say 'take back America' when we've never had it. I think the Democrats need to get back to return to a party that celebrates FDR's legacy and seeks to extend the New Deal beyond its very modest successes. I say this as someone who would have voted for Henry Wallace in 1948 and who has to be talked out of voting for Ralph Nader every time.
07-04-23 09:24:52
snoteyed ::: Favorites
You are sheeple. Democrats are the errand boys and puppets owned and controlled solely by AIPAC. Exactly like the Repugnacons. AIPAC runs it. If ya don't like it, blame AIPAC and private money in the elections. It's THAT SIMPLE.
07-06-11 20:23:35

Big Killer Boob

Duration: 19 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-23 16:18:38
User: AssyMcAsserton
:::: Favorites

Big Killer Boob

YouTube Commentary

Duration: 591 seconds
Upload Time: 06-05-25 23:43:04
User: boh3m3
:::: Favorites

Or "How I learned to stop worrying and love the blog!" I've been watching this site for about half a year now, and I've never really participated in anything here. So I thought I'd jump onto the heap and throw my own thoughts out for whoever would like to catch them. Today's topics are the top subscribed members, popularity, and some of the top videos.

garbagetrux ::: Favorites
Sweet Jesus, the old days. some honest feedback: you were a lot more unsure of yourself. it was sort of sweet actually, because it's refreshing to see big stars in modern times acting humble and trying their hardest. Loved it.
07-06-28 01:05:20
heybarmby ::: Favorites
cool vid but i gotta go its thunderin outside
07-07-03 10:25:07
reddeadlys ::: Favorites
this is the first video of you i've ever seen, i don't understand, i just looked on your profile and I didn't see your other video?
07-07-10 23:14:20
RetroRyder ::: Favorites
it's amazing how good you were at blogging your first time. I mean you seem almost the same now. In any case I could never blog that good, you gotta be really knowledgable about current events and stuff. I guess everyone's got their own style.
07-07-13 04:08:31
andwerver ::: Favorites
you suck loser
07-07-13 19:14:36
YUPchannel ::: Favorites
Livewire- :P
07-07-14 08:26:07
crazyeddyfreak ::: Favorites
How do you feel about being the first person to ever comment on boh3m3's first ever vlog?
07-07-19 14:03:10
aaannarose ::: Favorites
UGH!@ Ben! why are you so hot.
07-07-24 08:44:43
ThaRealPopo ::: Favorites
"Do you know who the fuck i am? i have 350 horny teenage boy viewers!My God! I shake my booty on the INTERNET!" lmao i love this .
07-07-25 18:05:56
hugoacv2 ::: Favorites
I bet he never imagined he was going to became what he is now.!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-02 03:29:53

RED EYE w/ Greg Gutfeld - Episode #103 (6-27-2007)

Duration: 529 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-30 01:12:00
User: OFUMedia
:::: Favorites

Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld...June 27,2007... Episode #103 http://www.foxnews.com/redeye http://www.dailygut.com (OFUMedia Mix) The Panel discuss security breaches at O'Hare airport,The Summer of Love-1967,Tattoos, and Greg reads the mail. Fox News Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld is a late-night talk show on the Fox News Channel. Airing at 2:00 a.m. ET, the show covers a variety of topics, including news, entertainment, sports, and gossip. Hosted by Greg Gutfeld, the show features a round table of panelists, as well as guests linked by satellite. Each episode, we will pick 3 random, or not so random,stories to be highlighted here for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to catch Greg Gutfeld, Samantha Judge, Bill Schulz, Andrew Levy, Kevin Godlington and the rest of the Red Eye Gang on the Fox News Channel Nights at 2 am EST! http://www.foxnews.com/redeye/ http://www.dailygut.com/

TiCLer ::: Favorites
Wow... this is unfunny.
07-07-27 10:55:14

Megadeth - Gears of War (Live 2007)

Duration: 245 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-16 08:48:19
User: Hemispheres88
:::: Favorites

Gears of War Live 2007 (Proshot) I've seen some of the comments about the audience, they were told not to "go crazy".. remember, this is a tv studio.

JEKAFISHER ::: Favorites
Guys, let's just agree that the song if fucking cool and it kicks ass, i have seen them preform it when they came to israel a moth ago, it doesn't matter if it's for Gears Of War soundtrack.
07-08-04 19:24:06
dpgjuicebox ::: Favorites
they didnt intend for it to be on the soundtrack or to have the same name aas the game i watched an interview of it..there
07-08-06 07:13:56
chloricfire ::: Favorites
My friend died from a chain letter if you dont repost this she will kill you every time there is a ring in your ear she is making your life shorter 10 reposts and ur safe
07-08-06 14:34:03
BluntedMF ::: Favorites
Everyone in this band looks like Queers.
07-08-06 17:12:45
deadmanempx ::: Favorites
ok. i still dont understand how it relates to the game, i mean... shit how does vermilion by slipknot relate in anyway to resident evil apocalyspe?
07-08-06 19:02:47
bobsmash213 ::: Favorites
It has nothing to do with the game - it's about WAR. Damn, who would've thought? It's only in the game as a coincidence of the title.
07-08-06 19:49:33
DogMan444441 ::: Favorites
Magadeth hmm i kinda like em'
07-08-06 22:21:57
TamaDrummer91 ::: Favorites
You obviously dont know what a queer looks like.
07-08-06 22:56:40
TamaDrummer91 ::: Favorites
07-08-06 22:57:38
VladimirDrake ::: Favorites
dave meant to name it after the game
07-08-07 00:33:12