Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Star Wars, Episode I - The First Teaser Screening Ever!

Duration: 02:09 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-02 03:49:09
User: Orionsaint
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This is the first time the Episode I teaser was ever shown. It's the first glimpse anyone ever got of actual Episode I footage. After 16 years of waiting. The teaser premiered on November 7th 1998. I saw this at 5am after trying to download it all night. I cried like a baby when I saw it. I'll never forget it. We were so innocent. We had no idea how lame this movie would be then.


anakin8054 ::: Favorites
WOW!! I wish I could go back to that day....when it was still cool to be into Star Wars..... :(
07-05-20 07:31:45
Distimok ::: Favorites
Well, this film may have sucked for hardcore Star Wars fans, and intelligent viewers... but for casual fans and general movie-goers it was an enjoyable flick. Also it got Lucas many millions, which was the ONLY reason he made the new trilogy.
07-04-14 16:00:57
gabbygall ::: Favorites
Fair enough mate, you also have to remember these days we are pretty much spoiled for blockbuster movies with massive special effects etc. Star Wars was pretty much amongst the first of its kind, especially some of the techniques they used,. Still, I think the whole 6 films works really well together and the only bit I truely can't stand from the newest batch is where Thew newly born Darth Vadar states "Noooooooooooo".. heh, bad bad bad, but still good fun..
06-11-14 15:30:02
RegicidalManiac ::: Favorites
furthermore There's no need for the 'introduction' excuse as the original films needed no long boring and pointless exposition in order to grab us. Rather they just threw us into a universe of interesting characters, creatures and snappy dialogue. The originals were made for adults, the ones released in the cinema that is, but sure enough these new films and the recent remixes of the originals are for today's braindead tots.
06-11-13 04:25:36
RegicidalManiac ::: Favorites
I disagree with everything you just said. Sure we were younger in 1977 but some of us weren't children, I was, but many people I know were adults in 1977. Of them all disregard the prequels and all agree that they were hacktacularly put together hastily written dreck.
06-11-13 04:24:58
gabbygall ::: Favorites
I dont know why people hate this film so much. Its sets the scene, it introduces characters, its just does what it was supposed do. I think people seem to forget they saw the original trilogy when they was a LOT younger, and that whole sense of wonder & magic has died, thats is why it doesnt feel the same.. Good film, well put together.. Perfect blockbuster material.
06-11-12 17:55:21
RegicidalManiac ::: Favorites
There are two possibilities George Lucas purposefully made three terrible Star Wars films in order to give many hopeless geeks back their lives OR he is an incredibly arrogant control freak who can't write or direct for shit and decided to score some easy cash while updating ILM's showreel. Pick one.
06-11-11 23:28:23
Grandmastu ::: Favorites
without question the most exciting trailer the world has ever seen. The movie, if the thought of leaving the theatre before the movie was over never occured to you, then you probably don't hate it as much as you think you do.
06-09-29 23:23:44
d8cam ::: Favorites
May have been the most exciting trailer I ever watched. Then, the movie came out :(
06-08-24 01:40:16
soychidoese ::: Favorites
hey i loked this movie
06-07-19 22:11:29

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