Sunday, November 4, 2007

Cardcaptor Sakura - A Slippery Slope - Part 3

Duration: 05:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-01 22:45:14
User: TinkerJet
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Final part of Cardcaptor Sakura. ^__^;; Enjoy! - Tinker Jet


videlfan07 ::: Favorites
so cute he carried her and rushed up to her
07-08-01 13:12:57
Lattenborough ::: Favorites
YAY! I absolutly love it how Li always rushes up to her and asks her if shes alright, he cares so much about her <333 At my school, if a boy lifted a girl up like that he would be teased for a LOOONG time x3
07-07-24 18:16:20
TinkerJet ::: Favorites
How so?
07-07-13 15:16:47
NotSoBlonde87 ::: Favorites
they ruined this ep.
07-07-10 23:58:39
TinkerJet ::: Favorites
... XD My friend's from British Columbia and her school's taken her on ski trips since she COULD ski... so... hee-hee. Things are different all over the world. I'm also from Canada and I've NEVER been on a ski trip... although, there have been a few... XD oh well. I didn't go. ;)
07-06-30 17:16:23
TinkerJet ::: Favorites
Um... actually, while she had Clow's magic -- before she had to use the power of her own Star, (I know Li had the card) I don't think she would've had any trouble using it. I know that's invalid but still... XD she had to transform it... when she does that with ANY card, it drains her. =) Don't forget!
07-06-30 17:15:23
TinkerJet ::: Favorites
That's alright. XD That comment looked rushed and it made me giggle some. Granted, I make typos too... so I should really keep my mouth shut. =P It's just... you're not on my Channel to rush really... you're here to lean back, relax and enjoy videos. Right? =D
07-06-30 17:12:43
IDreamOfEd ::: Favorites
Aww cute! Li was carrying Sakura.
07-06-27 11:41:30
IDreamOfEd ::: Favorites
I find it weird that they have 5th graders go on a ski trip. hmm stuff must be different in Japan.
07-06-27 11:36:31
sailormoon159159 ::: Favorites
i know why her enrgy is being draned cause she used the time card and if i remember corectly li said time card takes alot of a sorcers magic so thats why she fanted so easily
07-06-21 17:31:00

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