Thursday, November 29, 2007

Why I prefer Ron Paul to Barack Obama ?

Duration: 05:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-03 08:49:14
User: obaidkarki
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MICHAEL R GORDON and JEFF ZELENY Published November 2 2007 CHICAGO Oct 31 Senator Barack Obama Witcover On risking good reputations Salt Lake Tribune United States By Jules Witcover WASHINGTON As pressures mount at an unprecedented early time in the presidential races some leading candidates are taking the Hillary Campaign 'to get heated up' Newsday NY Buoyed by a new poll showing her lead unchanged after she came under attack in last week's debate Hillary Rodham Clinton said Saturday that she's Obama Criticizes Clinton's Drive to Win Washington Post United States By Dan Balz Sen Barack Obama leveled a fresh round of criticism at Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday accusing his rival for the Democratic nomination Georgians open wallets give edge to Democrats Atlanta Journal Constitution USA By JIM GALLOWAY One year before they go to the polls Georgians have opened their wallets to candidates for the White House in unprecedented fashion Clinton Rebuts Accusations of Secrecy New York Times United States By PATRICK HEALY DES MOINES Nov Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's political camp struck back on Saturday against rivals who were attacking her as Clinton puts her war room on attack Times Online UK The "war room" the hub of attack counter attack and spin which was at the heart of Bill Clinton's presidential campaigns in the has swung back into Obama Criticizes Bush Clinton The Associated Press SPARTANBURG SC Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama told voters Saturday that in the wake of President Bush's "catastrophic failure of Obama not a 'perfect man' but targets Clinton WASHINGTON A year and a day before the US presidential election Democratic hopeful Barack Obama said Saturday he was not a "perfect man" but warned Obama onslaught forces Clinton onto back foot Telegraph co uk United Kingdom Barack Obama is stepping up pressure on Hillary Clinton's honesty electability and hawkish foreign policies in a winter assault aimed at securing him the Iowa Obama supporters call for Clinton documents Baltimore Sun United States by John McCormick With Sen Barack Obama continuing to directly challenge Sen Hillary Clinton today both in South Carolina and in a Tribune interview Clinton Following Criticism Leads Obama Percent in Poll Bloomberg By Gopal Ratnam Nov Bloomberg Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton survived criticism from her party rivals in a debate Oct with Debate assault fails to dent Clinton's lead poll WASHINGTON Hillary Clinton's lead for the Democratic presidential nomination has held firm despite the battering she recieved at the hands of rivals Obama A Clinton led ticket at best "barely" wins Baltimore Sun United States By Mike Dorning Barack Obama said Saturday that a ticket led by Sen Hillary Clinton would be destined to largely repeat the disappointing Democratic Damsel causing distress Chicago Tribune United States Remember when being a woman was considered to be a liability in a presidential candidate? In an impressive display of political jiujitsu Sen Clinton takes on gender issue Chicago Tribune United States By Jill Zuckman Tribune national correspondent November CONCORD NH Sen Hillary Clinton found herself under fire Friday for injecting gender Clinton vows to weather attacks Boston Globe United States Nov Hillary Clinton signed papers yesterday to have her name put on the ballot for New Hampshire's primary Of the attacks on her at Tuesday's debate Hillary Reveals Her Inner Self Wall Street Journal Nov By PEGGY NOONAN The story isn't that the Democrats finally took on Hillary Clinton Nor is it that they were gentlemanly to the point of gingerly and Obama mocks Clinton for playing gender card Los Angeles Times CA Nov Her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination says he would never use race as a political shield By Glenn Thrush Newsday WASHINGTON Sen How Clinton Counters New Offensive Wall Street Journal Nov By JACKIE CALMES WASHINGTON Hillary Clinton and her battle tested campaign team have entered a two month long gauntlet to the first presidential Clinton Retreats on Issue of Men vs Woman New York Times United States Nov By ELISABETH BUMILLER CONCORD NH Nov Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama tangled on Friday over whether women should be treated equally Stumbling Clinton to steady campaign MSNBC Nov By Andrew Ward in Des Moines Hillary Clinton will seek to stabilise her presidential campaign this weekend after the worst week so far in her attempt to win As Clinton Makes Gender Based Appeal Obama Makes Race an Issue Washington Post United States Nov Hillary Clinton returns to Wellesley the all women's college that she said prepared her


khaleda11 ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 09:53:30

1st...great video
BurningDreamFilms ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 11:09:53

Actually, he did't die 1428 years ago... It's more like 1418. Believe it or not, I do enjoy your videos Obaid. Regards, Petro-dolar Geographical dude
UnderseaCaveman ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 11:21:58

Many thanks for your endorsement of Ron Paul and your enlightening video. You say things echoed in documentary "Crude Awakening" (re Iraqi Minister, forgot his name).
DivineLove247 ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 11:36:16

Uncle Obaid, I am a sunni, yet I have more respect for Shia Iran, than for Yankee Butt Licking Sunni Leaders, who are only good at thieving the oil wealth from their own peoples, and investing it in America, so the Zionist loving Americans can use that MUSLIM WEALTH TO BOMB MUSLIM COUNTRIES.
Mrwoody123 ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 11:59:13

Fuckin RagHead Who gives a shit what you think!! Kill Yourself Our Boys are dying in your shithole desert. How about - You run into a Fucking knife!!! The best way to stop the war.... Nuke ALL the dot heads, Take the fucking oil, then go home!
911fairytale ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 12:14:06

Most ppl you've must of said the same thing about you: "kill yourself"
gsuitter ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 12:36:50

I thought racists like you were a dying breed. I guess we still have a ways to go.
Mrwoody123 ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 12:43:40

Racists??? Put one of YOUR sons on the front line... Then come back and talk to me about Racism!
joshuabrucel ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 13:02:58

I used to like your videos. Ron Paul is not about diviseveness. He is not supporting Sunni vs Shia. OK.
Gringoman911 ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 13:11:59

Ron Paul is about peace and internal accountability. The ruling class has been pulling the joy sticks on everybody
gsuitter ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 13:16:39

My son is not on the front line but my daughter is. I did not put her there she volunteered as I had during Vietnam. Instead of being pissed at the people we invaded I would direct my anger at a government going to war for oil instead of minding our own business and pushing for a policy of energy independence. Next thing you'll tell me is that they hate us for our freedom, right?
bonnydayz ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 14:13:50

trash. in my opinion this subject is trash. what on earth does anybody take any of those pug faced puppets seriously for? distractions, vain distractions.
bonnydayz ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 14:51:33

suck suck suck
hollywoodo ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 15:05:29

he probably doesnt actually have any kids in the war, nor did he fight. you know how it is, people talk the talk but arent willing to fight for what they really believe. hence why bush's kids never joined, neither did most of congress, but they are more than willing to send other kids in. peace be with you.
DramatisPersone ::: Favorites  2007-11-03 15:35:02

a great video... keep up the good work. kindest regards,

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