Saturday, December 29, 2007

Club Penguin SUPER FUNNY

Duration: 02:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-27 22:29:48
User: juju630
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club  penguin  super  funny  juju6300  harey  mon  covov  


This is a freekin hilarious vid! and i kno these guys too! =D


juju630 ::: Favorites  2007-12-24 14:12:09

uh K
tyana16623 ::: Favorites  2007-12-24 06:18:00

that's NOT funny
juju630 ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 04:07:03

uh duh wat makes u say dat hmmm? my channel says guy i wove:jdog213 wat do ya tink?? =P lol jk buy yeah i do like him... well wove him watevas anyway i gotta go sleep for reals this time ha...its 11:06 so ill be leavin Good-bye =D
benqut ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 03:57:48

you like jdog?
juju630 ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 03:41:03

yeah i guess so
benqut ::: Favorites  2007-12-16 03:15:47

hes weird but nice
juju630 ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 04:07:37

ya its tru he uses da gurly glasses dats why weirdish
benqut ::: Favorites  2007-12-15 03:22:09

come on you have to agree he alwats dress girly ps pls so he has no utube
juju630 ::: Favorites  2007-12-13 21:34:21

wow lol
benqut ::: Favorites  2007-12-13 02:10:59

covov always does that i thing hes bisex
juju630 ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 22:35:57

um wat do u tink u tink hareys a guy or girl
cubieswin ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 18:59:52

ar u sure ther boys?
juju630 ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 20:44:47

watevas i tot so cuz they guys (I THINK)
Bbab3shawtie ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 14:53:50

why do boys got on the girl clothes.. okward.. LOL
Bbab3shawtie ::: Favorites  2007-11-30 14:51:30

omg... watch me youuu?? THATS LAMEEE

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