Monday, December 31, 2007

Stupid Christians

Duration: 02:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-15 16:58:53
User: SheriffAxel
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christianity  stupid  paint  sheriff  axel  religion  jesus  bible  


This is a simple movie made on paint. It's a simple theory about christianity and religions like mmuslims and that shit, Religion= Same shit different names...


Vermillieouse ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 18:57:15

I understand how you disapprove of parents lieing to their children, but what would you prefer the alternative to be? Telling kids that they will be smited if they miss behave makes them act well behaved and leads them to an overall better life.
mattgreen333 ::: Favorites  2007-12-05 22:02:52

First of all, similarity can mean a common creator. Even if you don't buy that, the alleged 'transitionals' between monkey and humans that would have to exist for evolution to be true are all either proven false or are highly disputed in the scientific community.
SheriffAxel ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 13:46:51

We've found REAL EVIDENCE of really old fossils and bones and skulls from different species of humans. Like, can't you see a similarity between humans and monkeys?
mattgreen333 ::: Favorites  2007-11-19 17:09:54

What is the greatest proof for evolution?
Flux130 ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 16:58:14

I don't really believe in the bible, and I don't really go to church either. And I know what you mean, but you have to realize that there are some people who seriously do deeply believe in God. It's just that most of them are just scared to go to Hell... it's terrible, but that's just how it is. This is still offending to anyone who has serious faith in Christianity. That's all I'm saying.
SheriffAxel ::: Favorites  2007-11-08 13:06:44

I just want people that brainwash their children(and it's a lot who do that)to think again before they destroy their childrens brains. And I think it's wrong to scare people like that.(hell, devil, demons and so on...) And those who use their religion to lie about things and make them waste their lifes. I guess you're christian but don't you think it's wasted time to go to church, pray, read the bible and so on?
Flux130 ::: Favorites  2007-11-07 17:45:34

Dude, you have to understand how many people are Christian.... Keep these kinds of things to yourself.
SheriffAxel ::: Favorites  2007-11-07 16:47:11

Why? Don' you think it's a stupid thing to belive in a 2000 years old myth?
Flux130 ::: Favorites  2007-11-06 20:53:12

=____= Not a good thing to post on the internet.
SheriffAxel ::: Favorites  2007-10-29 21:35:45

Well, why don't you tell me what this means: Du är en dum amerikan som borde dö en smärtsam död eftersom att du tror på en gud. Well, don't you think it's stupid to belive in a story that have no proofs of that it's true. I think it sounds very stupid... Can you tell me any proof of that there's a god? And no "It says in the bible that god created earth and all the saints said that they've seen god" proof. Cuz that's no proof. So, give me a real proof.
pivothedestroyer ::: Favorites  2007-10-29 08:20:08

obviously you do no believe in any god. What ever thats your choice. But every one who freakin watches this nows you are retarded. You don't know how to spell crap, and you obviously dont no what christianity is all about. Thats a good message to send people who don't believe in god are STUPID just like you. So leave this video up there just so everyone knows who are the stupid ones and who are not!!!
pivothedestroyer ::: Favorites  2007-10-29 08:15:15

u need to freakin die

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