Saturday, January 12, 2008

Bush on the NIE: Us lacks good intel in Iran since 1979

Duration: 01:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-04 12:13:45
User: roguesquadron123
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That's because Jimmy Carter fired our CIA agents in Iran in 1977's "Halloween Massacre." 12/04/07


TYX91101 ::: Favorites  2007-12-28 23:28:52

This just in.... with Iran in the rear view mirror a new terrorist threat has emerged - that son of a gun bin Laden has struck again - in Pakistan! Three cheers for the man who has guided us to such a lowly trajectory in just seven short years.
splifBlazer ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 19:34:56

I can't believe anybody takes this idiot seriously - how more insulting can he be to our collective intelligence?? - IMPEACH & IMPRISON - it is YOUR DUTY as "democratic" Americans to do so!!
fourcell911 ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 11:12:07

CIA renditioning Gulfstream II jet aircraft # N987SA crashed on Sept. 24, 2007 after it ran out of fuel over Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, with a cargo of 4 tons of Cocaine on board. Plane made many round-robin.Same operations using rendition planes prisoners / heroin to-from Afghanistan.
athews1976 ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 05:50:49

Seriously, for an incompetent to look COMPETENT all he would have to do is scare everyone that "we're all in danger and i'm the only one who can protect you"--over and over again. Our APATHY is sickening.
athews1976 ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 05:31:54

Neo-cons and DITTO HEAD SHEEP will refuse to see that something CONTRIVED is going on here just to SAVE FACE. This president knows that he's INCOMPETENT he's just doing all this fear and war mongering to make it look like he's doin' somethin'.
InTheSticks1881 ::: Favorites  2007-12-11 05:36:10

Vote against the war, for the Constitution, vote Ron Paul.
khornechainaxe ::: Favorites  2007-12-07 21:41:27

This President is a disgrace. All this talks about a war in Iran, just because Israel is threaten? Israel has 200 nukes, it can take care of itself. Iran doesn't even have one bomb yet and still Bush talks about Attacking Iran. Who is this President protecting, the American people, or Israel?
Tork64 ::: Favorites  2007-12-06 05:49:32

Why is this man still in office ? Chimpeach him now. Anyone with a brain can read the lies off his face.
marcusjansen239369 ::: Favorites  2007-12-04 21:10:43

the boat is sinking! Stay on this lying bastard and his Vice President! IMPEACH NOW!!!A disgrace to this country and the world!
getplaning ::: Favorites  2007-12-04 17:23:23

So, let's review what we've learned from the White House over the last 24 hours. The Director of National Intelligence told Bush there was important new information on Iran, but the president didn't ask what it was. The president was, and was not, told to "stand down" when it came to Iran, advice he both ignored and did not receive. All the while, the White House was publicly making assessments of the Iranian threat, all of which contradicted the evidence they did, and did not, see.
impartial1 ::: Favorites  2007-12-04 15:57:42

It is time to negotiate with Iran. That would stable the mideast, the price of oil and decrease violence in Iraq.

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