Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Power of Nightmares (4-6) Part 2 'Phantom Victory'

Duration: 10:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-17 10:30:13
User: jihadlovestoyota
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The film consists of three 1-hour parts, which were first broadcast in the UK in late 2004. It compares the rise of the American Neo-Conservative movement and the radical Islamist movement, makes comparisons on their origins and suggests a strong connection between the two. Part two, the Phantom Victory looks at how two groups, radical Islamists and neo-conservatives with seemingly opposing ideologies came together to defeat a common enemy. In this episode, Islamist factions rapidly falling under the more radical influence of Zawahiri and his rich Saudi acolyte Osama bin Laden join the Neo-Conservative-influenced Reagan Administration to combat the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan. They are successful in repulsing the Soviet armies, and when the Eastern Bloc begins to collapse in the late 1980s both groups believe they were the primary architect of the "Evil Empire's" defeat, and thus have the power to carry out their revolutions in their homelands. Curtis instead argues that the Soviets were on their last legs and were doomed to collapse without intervention. Both factions' revolutions end in failure. The Neo-Conservatives' aspirations to use American power for further destruction of evil are thrown off track by the ascent of George H. W. Bush to the American Presidency, followed by the 1992 election of Bill Clinton leaving them out of power. The Neo-Conservatives, with their conservative Christian allies, attempt to demonize Clinton throughout his presidency with various real and fabricated stories of corruption and immorality. To their disappointment, however, the American people do not acknowledge him as an enemy as they intended and remain indifferent to Clinton's alleged evils. The Islamist attempts at revolution end in massive bloodshed, leaving the Islamists without popular support. Zawahiri and bin Laden flee to the sufficiently safe Afghanistan and declare a new strategy; to fight Western-inspired moral decay they must deal a blow to its source: the United States. BBC documentary film series, written and produced by Adam Curtis. The series is subtitled The Rise of the Politics of Fear.


love805 ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 15:24:02

America needs to get out of the affairs of others, that is my opinion. Also i think that if a country wants to take up western ways they should be offered the choice not shoved down there throats.. American corporations need to survey the landscape before bombarding it with western ideas. thanx for posting.
RJWooller ::: Favorites  2007-10-02 18:18:48

The series is very interesting. The neo cons certainly have a lot to answer for. The best bit, I think, is on this video when they take over the Republican party policy and go far right. It was very disturbing. The neo cons go to all this effort and then Bill Clinton wins the 92 election.

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