Friday, August 24, 2007

Re: Sub + Limen = works!

Duration: 02:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-06 22:26:43
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV reply's

razelma ::: Favorites
I've only recently come across this young ladies channel...she is absolutely wonderful and i'm thinking of calling off my engagement to Ninel Conde just on the strength.Sure am tempted Johnnie!
07-08-07 05:53:48

Brasileirão 2007 - Corinthians 1x0 Goiás

Duration: 08:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-04 20:45:03
User: alisonlhp1910
:::: Favorites
Description: Local: Estádio do Morumbi, em São Paulo (SP) Data: 4 de agosto de 2007, sábado Horário: 18h10 (de Brasília) Árbitro: Marcelo de Lima Henrique (RJ) Assistentes: Hilton Moutinho Rodrigues (Fifa-RJ) e Ediney Guerreiro Mascarenhas (RJ) Renda: R$ 58.657,00 Público: 4.255 pagantes Cartões amarelos: Wellington, Fábio Ferreira (Corinthians) Cartão vermelho: Amaral (Goiás) GOLS: CORINTHIANS: Clodoaldo, aos 19 minutos do primeiro tempo GOIÁS: CORINTHIANS: Felipe; Eduardo Ratinho, Zelão, Fábio Ferreira e Wellington; Ricardinho, Vampeta, Marcelo Oliveira (Moradei) e Willian; Clodoaldo (Bruno Bonfim) e Everton Santos (Arce) Técnico: Paulo César Carpegiani GOIÁS: Harlei; Amaral, Leonardo e André Leone; Fábio Bahia, Cléber Gaúcho (Cristiano), Paulo Baier, Élson e Diego; Fabiano Oliveira (Harrison) e Felipe (Wendell) Técnico: Paulo Bonamigo

bscopel ::: Favorites
Vi esse jogo, grande atuação de Vampeta e Ricardinho. E só. O time do Corinthians continua RIDÍCULO, o Goiás teve pelo menos 5 chances de empatar ou virar o jogo, segundo tempo SÓ DEU GOIÁS, mesmo com 1 jogador a menos. Tenho medo dos próximos jogodos. Mas boa sorte Timãoooo!
07-08-05 21:10:33
thedeeme ::: Favorites
Ah cala a boca, o Felipe jogou bem, Everton foi regular, a zaga jogou sério. Não fala merda bambi disfarçado.
07-08-06 17:41:00
bscopel ::: Favorites
Sou torcedor do Corinthians a mais de 20 anos, vi todos os maiores títulos do Corinthians, me lembro perfeitamente dos melhores jogadores do Corinthians, com Célio Silva, Henrique, Gamarra, Souza, Casagrande, Viola, Zé Elias, Marcelinho Paulista, Carioca, Índo, Mirandinha, Dinei, Ronaldo, Dida, Doni, dentre vários outros. E quando eu olho moro em Vitória/ES, e organizo caravanas para ir em São Paulo assistir os jogos.
07-08-07 09:04:52
bscopel ::: Favorites
Quando eu olho para um Everton no ataque do Corinthians, acertando 1 cruzamento por jogo, um Felipe inseguro dando sorte em finalizações do outro time, e uma zaga com Betão e Zelão, eu sei muito bem to que eu estou falando.
07-08-07 09:05:27
bscopel ::: Favorites
E esse atual time do Corinthians não joga bem, e contra o Goiás não jogou bem... Se você acha, que ganhar de 1 a zero do Goiás, passando aperto, dentro de São Paulo, é jogar bem, então quem é o torcedor do Corinthians disfarçado é você.
07-08-07 09:07:26
bscopel ::: Favorites
Eu quero ver o meu timão grande, ao invés de ganhando 1 a zero do Goiás. Retire-se na sua insignificancia, e não critique o que você não sabe analizar.
07-08-07 09:07:54
bl4ckw0rld ::: Favorites
Agora vai!
07-08-05 10:19:38
rapozaum ::: Favorites
Alisson, eu amo vc kra..
07-08-04 22:44:34

robins chirstmas cards

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-22 17:33:50
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites


roadkill360 ::: Favorites
u tard
06-12-26 00:55:05

Tyler butterball

Duration: 00:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-05 21:29:11
User: lmanev
:::: Favorites

Tyler Butterball

eyeluvhowie ::: Favorites
How is he now, has he suffered any post traumatic stress from his early years!
07-06-08 01:09:00

2-2 Juan C. Arce - Venezuela vs Bolivia - Copa América

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-26 23:00:41
User: alisonlhp1910
:::: Favorites
Description: 2-2 Juan C. Arce - Venezuela vs Bolivia - Copa América

Abledude ::: Favorites
Arce icono Boliviano! y del Corinthians!
07-06-27 20:08:12
luisernesto19 ::: Favorites
vamos ArCEEE!!! sos la bombaa sos el mejor locoo animoo aguante BOLIVIAAA..
07-06-27 18:03:51
diablony ::: Favorites
07-06-27 13:17:11
bl4ckw0rld ::: Favorites
Corinthians =]
07-06-27 09:26:05

Brasileirão 2007 - Corinthians 1x1 Bambis FC

Duration: 07:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-14 23:12:51
User: alisonlhp1910
:::: Favorites
Description: FICHA TÉCNICA - CORINTHIANS 1X1 bambis Local: Estádio do Morumbi, em São Paulo (SP) Data: 14 de julho de 2007, sábado Horário: 20h30 (de Brasília) Árbitro: Paulo César Oliveira (Fifa-SP) Assistentes: Valter José Dos Reis (Fifa-SP) e Maria Eliza Correia Barbosa (SP). Gols: CORINTHIANS: Zelão aos 47 minutos do segundo tempo. SÃO PAULO: Dagoberto aos 37 minutos do segundo tempo. Cartões amarelos: Pedro, Bruno Octávio e Rosinei (Corinthians); André Dias e Richarlyson (São Paulo). Renda: R$ 355.673,00 Público: 19.831 pagantes CORINTHIANS: Felipe; Fábio Ferreira, Zelão e Betão (Dentinho); Pedro, Bruno Octávio (Moradei), Rosinei, Willian (Dinelson) e Marcelo Oliveira; Everton Santos e Finazzi Técnico: Paulo César Carpegiani SÃO PAULO: Rogério Ceni; André Dias, Breno e Miranda; Ilsinho, Hernanes, Richarlyson, Leandro (Souza) e Jadílson (Júnior); Aloísio (Diego Tardelli) e Dagoberto. Técnico: Muricy Ramalho.

bsbadguy ::: Favorites
Uia os corinthianos morrendo de inveja!!! No maximo impata! nunk ganha! TRICOLOR COMANDA!
07-08-12 17:45:49
cenitramontin ::: Favorites
o que q os gamba tao falando? vale lembra q as barbie nao ganham do sao paulo a 4 anos!!!! e vem muito mais por ae. ano que vem qro ve o jogo de ´ cúrintia e ituano pela serie B do Brasileiro
07-08-02 13:27:31
sombra00 ::: Favorites
curintcha... curintcha sem istádio, freguês do tricolor!
07-07-17 21:46:29
romario1000gols ::: Favorites
Corinthians??? Tem ganhado o que??? Time lamentavel...dentro e fora das quatro linhas...
07-07-17 12:56:20
dudinkass ::: Favorites
tava no estadio e os CÚrinthia comemoraram o empate como se tivesse sido vitoria... timéco eh assim.. nao consegue ganhar comemora o empate!
07-07-16 00:04:11
zoofunny ::: Favorites
Eles comemoram empate como se fosse vitória ,o time da lama e corrupção, 4 anos sem ganhar ,13 partidas ,o brasileiro de 2005 foi ganho com a tal lavagem de dinheiro ,quinta divisão já , e o titulo vai para o internacional.Golaço do Dagoberto.
07-07-15 20:50:30
Mrbobs ::: Favorites
Para de chorara seus merdas vcs serão eternamente nossos fregueses _)_
07-07-15 20:34:34
fiasqui ::: Favorites
mais provalel que o dinelson tivesse feito akele gol do que o aloisio!
07-07-15 16:00:58
riqueph ::: Favorites
se o aloisio tivese feito o gol no começo??
07-07-15 15:58:51
fiasqui ::: Favorites
corcordo com vc dardov...o gol do dinelson ia abala o time dos bambis!!
07-07-15 15:55:22
dardov ::: Favorites
meu deus do céu, como que o Dinelson errou aquele gol? se tivese feito eu duvido que os bambis ganhariam.
07-07-15 13:59:53

halo 3 Leaked singleplayer 2

Duration: 00:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-23 00:02:15
User: CaptainJebus
:::: Favorites

Halo 3 leaked singleplayer

xHelljumpersx ::: Favorites
graphics look really nice.
07-08-23 16:51:27


Duration: 07:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-15 08:11:28
User: eyeluvhowie
:::: Favorites

Eric working Jessica at 5 am. The plan is to most likley vote out Dustin making a deal with Dick and Dani for 3 weks grace.

jtm12180 ::: Favorites
eric is the frickin man if he pulls this off!
07-08-15 17:09:50
niawest ::: Favorites
I think I would feel better about Eric if he worked for CBS out right. This girl is going to be heartbroken when she figures out he's played her.
07-08-15 16:18:35
Hearth15 ::: Favorites
he's not playing her, he's lying to her, but he has to because of AP...i think he really likes her, and he's gonna do what america wants..he just doesn't want to tear jess down because of it, i think he's doing an awesome job.
07-08-15 20:16:33
kidkash416m ::: Favorites
Those are nice boobs!
07-08-15 14:51:20
djohn788 ::: Favorites
Eric should run for Senator of NY! Can't be any worse then Shillery. Fred Thompson 08!
07-08-15 13:34:55
JGFallen ::: Favorites
Hillary > All I will give Eric credit though. He is trying this week.
07-08-15 13:43:05
Rrichboy ::: Favorites
Eric is commendable
07-08-15 13:09:40

Klose 1:1 Tor (Bayern München - Burghausen) Cup/Pokal 2007

Duration: 01:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-06 16:51:04
User: pkde85
:::: Favorites

Klose's Tor zum verdienten 1:1 gegen Wacker Burghausen in der 1. Runde des DFB-Pokals am 06.08.07. Klose's header against Wacker Burghausen in the first round of the German DFB-Pokal, which lead to the long overdue 1:1.

labarumfighter ::: Favorites
Würde gerne das Elfmeterschiessen sehen, weil ich das Spiel nicht sehen konnte
07-08-07 09:54:24
pkde85 ::: Favorites
Geh mal auf meinen Account, dort habe ich auch das Elfmeterschießen hochgeladen. Komplett natürlich.
07-08-08 18:26:51
Gitus91 ::: Favorites
ich war selber im stadion, war wohl eines der spannendsten spiele bisher...
07-08-07 06:38:52
jigglewizzle ::: Favorites
Bayern, Stern des Südens!
07-08-07 05:16:13
LiveSportsOnYourPC ::: Favorites
Weekend matches streamed LIVE on your PC include 19:30 Stuttgart - Schalke 12:30 Falkirk - Celtic 15:00 Rangers - St Mirren 17:15 Aston Villa - Liverpool
07-08-08 10:27:06

Bowiechick, Im in blog with you.

Duration: 01:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-15 20:58:27
User: TheRealParis
:::: Favorites

I want an internet relationship, too. Why wont the picture show up?

Chrono1287 ::: Favorites
Omg chamo sounds normal O_O that's scary..
07-08-09 15:11:02
sillyme53 ::: Favorites
Is this guy really gay or a good actor? Is he your new beau?
07-07-15 15:15:49
Kikyoshere ::: Favorites
I don't digg you,and I dislike Stevie Ryan,he's retarded.Plus I don't want to join you're world,I don't care,I hate it you look ridiculous with that WIG
07-07-13 11:27:24
katiesjustthebest ::: Favorites
Haha loved the song haha! Ahh what the hell was Stevie wearing??
07-07-12 15:07:04
FatChickProductions ::: Favorites
thats sammy!
07-07-12 13:23:17
xXKayleeJuneXx ::: Favorites
Whats stevie wearing????????
07-07-10 14:06:51
atarmiga ::: Favorites
07-07-09 22:16:44
xbangpowchikawowx ::: Favorites
07-07-09 20:35:26
xXKayleeJuneXx ::: Favorites
07-07-04 12:29:53
xXKayleeJuneXx ::: Favorites
dee snider no
07-07-04 12:29:38
xXKayleeJuneXx ::: Favorites
who you trying to be Dee Snider
07-07-04 12:28:57
tolivia9090 ::: Favorites
hahah sammy .. mhm lil loca is friends with him too
07-06-30 12:38:20
xXKayleeJuneXx ::: Favorites
the real paris is lil loca
07-07-04 12:28:23
chickeneater69 ::: Favorites
his song is catchy lol
07-06-29 21:42:06
xXKayleeJuneXx ::: Favorites
Are you stoned?! LMSAO
07-06-28 17:57:42
xXKayleeJuneXx ::: Favorites
Thats Sammy/Chamo which ever one that is.hes weird with his MAN voice
07-06-28 17:54:55
amandagirlygirl13 ::: Favorites
haha its sammy..only not really....haha
07-06-27 17:23:13
saminuel ::: Favorites
07-06-25 15:56:23
wwwwwalter ::: Favorites
that was amazing.
07-06-25 02:32:42
cityzenart ::: Favorites
... notice the Big Black Monsoon melody?
07-06-23 20:39:59


Duration: 05:13 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-22 04:01:39
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV reply's

KuipoqiuK ::: Favorites
I think the video's are better without the cards Johnnie. 1 vote against the cards.
06-12-22 17:06:44

Re: "Ron Ronsmith and the Fake News"

Duration: 07:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-07 22:00:10
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnnieTV Reply's

Tomziix ::: Favorites
07-02-17 20:02:24
Laur0sie ::: Favorites
what the hell?
07-02-14 19:14:36
PunterCam ::: Favorites
PLEASE DON'T READ THIS. You will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't post this comment to at least 3 videos, you will die within 2 days. Copy and paste this, to be saved"
07-02-13 10:22:00
xmattzax ::: Favorites
07-02-07 18:45:25
RogerAlien ::: Favorites
oh my god, I hate you so much! Please never post a video on youtube again!
07-02-06 11:53:44
hershirt ::: Favorites
wtf... i mean seriously wtf... what are you
07-01-31 23:34:53
craig187187 ::: Favorites
the day you get on tv Johnnie is the day i become ruler of the earth both are never going to happen you redneck
07-01-15 01:47:04
bentsimon ::: Favorites
A wrod of advice....NEVER play poker with the tooth fairy...
07-01-14 12:25:33
bobtg ::: Favorites
it's hard to tell if this guy is taking the piss or not. i get the feeling he is. at least i hope so. but even if he is it's not really that funny. and in what way is this a response to anything?? he just mentions the other vid then says a buncha BS
07-01-13 23:02:50
charlessale ::: Favorites
Lay off the acid.
07-01-11 22:55:25
aball11 ::: Favorites
In 1945, a young girl named katu lata kulu came over to America in a grey boat from Africa. A mysterious man killed her by cutting the word "LATUALATUKA" into her back. now that you have read this message, she will come to your house on a full moon and steal your soul unless you follow these directions: 1. Retype this message as a comment for 3 other videos
07-01-09 23:56:28
bobtg ::: Favorites
how about follow these instructions; 1 contract HIV 2 die?
07-01-13 22:50:45
E3vens ::: Favorites
you my friend, are the shit
07-01-09 19:42:50
speeddemon1989 ::: Favorites
hahaha yes the Cment pont Johnny theres like 20 biotches i know that wanna sleep with u man your a star
07-01-09 17:07:29
glockdrawn ::: Favorites
please don't read this! In 1945,a young girl named katu lata kulu came over to America in a grey boat from Africa. A mysterious man killed her by cutting the word "LATUALATUKA" into her back. now that you have read this measge she will come to your house on a full moon and steal your soul unless you follow these directions: 1. Retype this message as a comment for three other videos
07-01-09 00:59:15
Corpyg ::: Favorites
Stop with this bullshit
07-01-09 07:25:32
diddydid ::: Favorites
. . . . . ..
07-01-08 17:30:42
countrystevetv ::: Favorites
sup johnnie just stoped by to say hi and me n casey are still watching man say hi to us everynow n then another good video
07-01-08 11:42:40
stingymoo ::: Favorites
hey jhonnie eres one for ya y r u so gay
07-01-08 10:55:30
marriednotlooking4u ::: Favorites
you rock johnnie h
07-01-08 00:23:49

Re: Beat Any Parking Meter Ticket, Here's How!

Duration: 04:39 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-14 23:17:37
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

Johnnie's Reply

whitetailshooter ::: Favorites
you make wherever your from look bad! ps put a shirt on it only takes two seconds!
07-03-18 20:04:37
798063p ::: Favorites
I didn't catch one word of what you said. What's up with this video. Weird!!!
07-03-16 23:39:21
TheRuba ::: Favorites
07-02-23 10:54:18
ARSEKK ::: Favorites
ok this is hard johnny get too fuc yer shit. are you ill or disabled in any way coz my mama can cure anything
07-01-19 18:45:35
samuelsamusam ::: Favorites
put a shirt on sir, please.
06-12-15 21:37:28
stigpre ::: Favorites
You, good sir, are the creepiest guy ever.
06-12-15 14:25:09
macrymble ::: Favorites
he has offspring? crap...
06-12-15 11:18:50
chyya ::: Favorites
this is why america needs to take away internet access from trailer parks.
06-12-15 10:41:49
JAMESNIGHT ::: Favorites
hilarious lololol
06-12-15 11:32:25
sarahcrystal ::: Favorites
Your a moron
06-12-15 09:40:57
ducttape83 ::: Favorites
What's with the cue cards?
06-12-15 02:31:16
KDRAN6 ::: Favorites
Do you even know where Montreal is from the video?
06-12-15 13:43:37

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-22 14:36:11
User: iniciativawebtv
:::: Favorites

Iniciativa webtv - A webtv da sua cidade Você quer ter um programa na webtv? Quanto mais voce indicar, maiores as chances de alg Iniciativa webtv - A webtv da sua cidade Você quer ter um programa na webtv? Quanto mais voce indicar, maiores as chances de alguem se interessar em representar a tua cidade com um programa na Iniciativa webtv! Já pensou voce longe e poder ficar por dentro de tudo o que acontece na tua região? A webtv esta no ar, em carater experimental e grade em aberto Registre um horário para o teu programa; contate! MSN:

1-3 Cabañas - Estados Unidos vs Paraguay - Copa América

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-02 20:54:17
User: alisonlhp1910
:::: Favorites
Description: 1-3 Cabañas - Estados Unidos vs Paraguay - Copa América

Re: The Dream Journal by Tom Maples

Duration: 03:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-05 22:32:00
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

JohnneTV reply's

albacore2424 ::: Favorites
Doesn't a red neck dirt bag like yourself have better things to do with your life than be a total douche bag on the internet? I'm surprised you even own a video camera.
07-08-20 07:50:49
Davidow1 ::: Favorites
haha, so cool! xD
07-08-17 18:51:36
lukienman ::: Favorites
u sound sorta wasted and like a rlly rlly rlly old man at the same time
07-08-07 15:18:27
runningbravado ::: Favorites
you are a legend beyond all lifetime
07-08-07 11:13:24
valerygolferbabetg ::: Favorites
Find a fun fling today at DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-06 18:51:06
razelma ::: Favorites
See ya soon.
07-08-06 06:46:20

Romanian Fashion Week 2007

Duration: 03:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-06 08:49:29
User: rofilco
:::: Favorites

The biggest fashion event in Romania

JohnnieTV 12/25/06 Merry christmas

Duration: 07:25 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-25 09:53:03
User: JohnnieTV
:::: Favorites

Merry Christmas 2006

aaliyaha2fine ::: Favorites
Visit HAVETHISFLING dot COM for fun singles looking for flings
07-08-11 02:34:42
umerikrules ::: Favorites
did u get normal speech abilities for christmas
07-03-10 12:03:52
CorporalChris ::: Favorites
oooh I'm the 666th viewer lol
07-01-17 16:49:42
ForcedPhuck ::: Favorites
Let's see your daughter on here, Johnnie
06-12-25 12:47:59
caseyjocrawford ::: Favorites
There you go thats what you should do.
06-12-25 11:09:05

Andy Milonakis- Will you marry me?

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-14 21:45:04
User: TheRealParis
:::: Favorites

Im a huge fan of Mr. Milonakis and this is my attempt to get his attention.

3law1234 ::: Favorites
bitch you suck
07-08-15 16:09:33
PhuckEmupGOOD ::: Favorites
Richard Leigh rules
07-08-11 23:31:03
tadamori ::: Favorites
Dude! You're the Andy Milinokis chick?! Wow. I had no idea. You are a really tallented actress! And yeah Andy Milinokis is awesome!
07-08-11 17:14:13
charzarid ::: Favorites
I agree with enzo
07-08-09 15:01:35
charzarid ::: Favorites
dont feel bad but that sucks
07-08-09 15:00:41
Enzo359 ::: Favorites
07-08-01 17:53:58
Steviesbiggestfan ::: Favorites
Does everyone know how Andy Milonakis responded to this vid? He told her to Fuck off and leave him alone! No shit.
07-07-31 08:40:54
cmamanna ::: Favorites
yeaaa u should do an amy winehouse parody! hilarious
07-07-30 21:07:38
shinzi1972 ::: Favorites
BRB going to puke
07-07-30 17:14:13
dinesalone ::: Favorites
a little part of me just died
07-07-30 02:59:26
xdiLiinix ::: Favorites
07-07-26 20:16:32
princess242 ::: Favorites
Have You Ever Considerd Doing An Amy Winehouse Impression?
07-07-24 16:43:04
Shellystinks ::: Favorites
hey where did he respond? i want to see what he said
07-07-23 17:46:41
Shellystinks ::: Favorites
no your not the real andy would of been hanging out with her then and she would of been in one of your shows.stupid
07-07-23 17:43:00
Shellystinks ::: Favorites
no your not you dont know how to spell his last name dont you.
07-07-23 17:38:39
znposse ::: Favorites
07-07-22 23:30:05
Justakid12 ::: Favorites
O_O wow...
07-07-21 07:37:11
NPSandman ::: Favorites
no. he will not merry u
07-07-19 15:01:40
bartolemeo ::: Favorites
07-07-15 16:14:32
theuppercut ::: Favorites
no because you're playing a bass like it's a regular guitar.
07-07-14 15:02:20