Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Runescape meets Harry Potter: Another slice of H.A.M.

Duration: 04:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-21 22:06:02

Kratos7000 (Me) and my two goblin friends (Mossfist and Slimetoes) clober some H.A.M Guards as I rush to rescue Zanik (Harry Potter) from the evil clutches of Sigmund (Lord Voldemort) in an epic battle between good and HAM


mercanaries3  2008-03-26 18:29:45

no really i thought mercanaries3 is funny
DragonxxxFire  2008-03-26 15:48:19

u are so totally right...mercanaries3 is a noob
DragonxxxFire  2008-03-26 15:47:46

tufanz  2008-03-26 05:45:06

I know that...... Why you say that to me?
DragonxxxFire  2008-03-25 21:55:26

kratos7000 harry potter and sigmund is voldemort and the goblin on the train is uhhh idk lol

Shipwrecked in Time 01 - "An Extremely Fat Man" part 1

Duration: 10:54 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-08 16:11:14

from the creators of "AJ Goes to France" comes the tale of two guys and the time-traveling sailor shipwrecked outside their apartment building. this is the first half of the first episode.


yagyujubei  2007-03-20 12:24:21

Hooray nickels!
lilogkaj89  2007-03-14 10:50:36

you big fukin fat basturd
dracothan  2007-02-19 07:52:45

Where did you get that ring?!!? I need one.
oldfilmlover  2007-01-09 00:34:13

This touched the depths of my marble heart and made me feel profound feelings of joy. Very nice!
TuckerLucas  2007-01-08 22:37:31

Excellent! Excellent!

SOTM Plague World Champs performance 05

Duration: 05:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-12 17:54:56

Directed and Choreographed by Mukhtar Omar Sharif.


itswilko2  2008-03-16 07:51:48

elementz are better
xxrachelleVODxx  2008-02-10 18:38:56

luliebassett  2008-02-08 16:01:56

Hi Mukhtar!Is this at the world championships in L.A.? If it is, it was the most fantastic performance ever and my son, who was in the crew, loved the celebrations on stage with you guys!!Congratulations. x
pablo85mac  2007-10-08 18:25:14

fuckin amazin iv been searchin for this full clip since the finals in 05 respect to brooke hes a fuckin legend! plus he dances at bird! nuff said!
5thelement2k7  2007-09-29 05:51:00

Yo this toooooo sick man killin it for the UK. Peace!!!

Bogosity Ep. 2: Creationism EXPANDED&REMASTERED Pt. 1

Duration: 08:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-14 10:47:45

Debunking the lies and misinformation produced by creationism. Part 1 of 3.


GeneNowok  2008-04-08 22:00:48

Spirit beings tell me there is NO material life NOWHERE in the whole universe let alone intelligent one and that human searching 4 such is completely in vain and laughable. THEY laugh at it. And u can believe it or not 4 all i care.
shanedk  2008-04-08 19:53:19

HOW do you know spirits exist, and HOW do you know no life exists elsewhere?
GeneNowok  2008-04-08 18:47:52

I believe in spirit beings because i know they exist. I dont care about probability. There r NO OTHER material beings apart from here on earth in our whole universe let alone intelligent ones and the whole crave of finding ones is simply ridiculous cuz WE ARE ALONE and no mathematical theory of probability will help here. WE WILL NEVER FIND THEM NOR WILL THEY FIND US because THEY DONT EXIST. THERE IS NOTHING LIVING IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. Apart from spirit beings.
shanedk  2008-04-08 17:51:16

See, here's the thing...There is not only NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER of gods or spirits, there is no mechanism by which they can be said to act in our universe. Whereas, we DO have mechanisms for how intelligent life can form, it's just a matter of probability--and with our universe as big as it is, the probability shouldn't be much of a problem. So, why do you accept gods and spirits but not extraterrestrial life forms?
GeneNowok  2008-04-08 16:28:46

Know this, that when ur political leaders, 4 example, like 2 refer 2 God so much, they can mean Satan BECAUSE He-the Satan-is also God of THIS WORLD BUT He certainly isnt Almighty. Aparently they-ur leaders-know WHO they r talking about. And apart from the spirit realm there r NO OTHER material beings-apart from humans-in the WHOLE UNIVERSE. Thus seeking extraterestials is like chasing the wind. U cannot find something that simply doesnt exist.

Reefer Headed Woman DRUM COVER! By Godsmack.

Duration: 00:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-14 17:23:20

A Cover Of Just The Beginning Of Reefer Headed Woman off The new Godsmack Dvd That comes with the Cd. I Think This is the first drum cover of this song =] RATE AND COMMENT! =]


degeteslinoase  2008-04-02 06:17:37 offense...keep learnin'...from romania just good wishes
thereality619  2008-03-27 19:26:22

ur shirt sucks, and ur drummin sucks
14maddin14  2008-02-02 17:17:18

okaay john cena t-shirt its cool man i mean the shirt not your drum...^^
2hdoscjs  2008-01-16 00:57:38

keep it up]

rodney primo von mir

Duration: 00:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-03 14:53:06

rodney primo von mir


Armenian president election vote 02.29.2008 satkeq eli

Duration: 00:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-01 02:14:19

es el turqry aracnery


serJikSATKIR  2008-03-19 16:00:13

satki serj
serJikSATKIR  2008-03-19 15:59:46

hayavari559  2008-03-18 00:23:08

vay qunem serji lav@

Good Charlotte

Duration: 03:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-06-22 11:43:48

Good charlotte home made video! Ok,ignore something, just to get things straight with everyone. There is a picture of someone in the shower in this video and IT AIN'T BILLY, like i said it was. And it is int he video becuase at the time when i was making the video i didn't know that. I had to have someone tell me. So yea, don't fuss over taht little thing. Ignore that please


vianelly22  2008-04-08 11:34:53

i think there real name is not Madden but Combs... does anyone really know?
werm0t0  2008-03-30 22:23:10

If anybody needs this cell tone I just found it @ EveryTone4U . Com ---- Good Charlotte Rocks! uh no its not.your pop musiclolcheesy and smelly.smelly person
billygurl102  2008-03-15 19:22:58

BILLY is billylicious mwahahaha....<3 ~ i will love billy 4 eva~
IchigoLover92  2008-02-29 05:14:15

wait hold up, was that really Joel naked?!?!? if so then...i think i wanna hit that XD
goodcharla182  2008-02-09 19:27:20

joell oh !! he is so hot i wanna sleep with him ^^

Chevelle - "Get Some" (Live)

Duration: 02:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-04 04:03:07

Floyd's Music Store / Talahassee, FL. 5-2-07.


korndemon69420  2008-04-05 09:13:19

Chevelle fucking ROCKS!! This was one bad ass show and I'll never forget it.. Not as great as when they opened for KoRn in Pensecola with Lost Prophets, Skindrid, and Instruction.. Kick ass band!!
Nyohttekotte  2008-02-21 17:38:37

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oooooooooooohoooohooohoooh
VenaSera69  2007-10-09 12:38:28

idiot.. this song is about american idol beacuse pete hates the show n shit and chris daughtry got all famous even tho he sucked ass and now hes always on top billboard chards even tho he sucks
coolnamestaken  2007-08-02 19:19:44

cool video i wish my camera's mic would have worked when chevelle came here
chrisplummer  2007-07-19 15:20:48

LMFAO thats sick

Center Harbor

Duration: 00:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-17 12:36:37

Goofin' around at Matt's Dad's place.
