Saturday, December 1, 2007

Jason Skate Boarding

Duration: 02:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-06 15:05:41
User: jasonXd44
:::: Favorites
:::: Top Videos of Day

this is my first movie thats going on youtube


jasonXd44 ::: Favorites  2007-01-07 08:02:18

Comment My Vid's now!
hannahw2 ::: Favorites  2007-02-01 17:35:42

OMFG AHAHAHHHAH XD lol very funny. Well your way better then me so i shouldnt talk xD ~Tanaie xD
bellaQo34 ::: Favorites  2007-02-02 22:01:47

OMG Jason, this kicks but! yah, hahaha, you wiped out right in the beginning, hahaha, good job!
bellaQo34 ::: Favorites  2007-02-02 22:04:55

Okay, I have to comment again, you wiped out so many times in that, that is soo funny, dude! Hahahahaha, good job, Mary is a good filmer, you are good at video making-ness, or w/e you would call it, hahahaha, that is on my favorites.
bellaQo34 ::: Favorites  2007-02-28 14:36:07

xBlake4 ::: Favorites  2007-05-04 19:19:23

you suck ass at skating :D
Hillsider1087 ::: Favorites  2007-05-14 19:36:34

Cool vid!!! I can almost see my house. Keep making your videos...they're great! Good music too. Can you guess who this is???
VietxJohnny ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 13:59:48

omg nub xD no offense you have to wear a helmet?!?!xD and you ollie is so low.
VietxJohnny ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 14:00:57

oops sorry i see you are wearing a hat lol

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