Saturday, December 1, 2007

Naruto Demon brothers fight

Duration: 02:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-07-26 13:26:42
User: Jormaukko
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This is just a test for upcoming kakashi tribute. Just wanting to whine about it :D (dont take seriously)


Rad1ance ::: Favorites  2006-09-16 00:19:53

yay.. gj i suppose
Simpan86 ::: Favorites  2006-11-02 16:46:34

Great fight
Niklasblackboy ::: Favorites  2007-02-25 12:10:30

I love these guys xD
Guzeinbuick ::: Favorites  2007-03-01 20:14:12

Those two have an interesting technique.
JagFanStevie ::: Favorites  2007-04-02 19:48:58

too bad they're already dead
demonshark222 ::: Favorites  2007-06-10 20:58:42

no they're not dead
JagFanStevie ::: Favorites  2007-06-11 01:50:16

well they're not there anymore
LordAkira ::: Favorites  2007-07-11 12:41:32

For such a wicked looking pair of ninja, they get a whole 2 minutes of fame. Pretty sad. 2 Chuunin should've done better against 1 Jounin and a little showoff genin.(Naruto and Sakura dont count, they're not worth mentioning)
LordAkira ::: Favorites  2007-07-13 07:04:23

ICH KINI!!! Bye bye Kakashi! NICH KINI!! Bye Bye Naruto ! Too bad it wasnt for real, could've taken out the smart-alek ninja and the annoying ninja.
JRhodes1 ::: Favorites  2007-08-19 22:52:10

Demon twins owned in exactly 1:50. What jobbers...
NightmareItachi ::: Favorites  2007-09-26 16:41:59

Man they coulda been badass if they stayed alive....
Ninjuri ::: Favorites  2007-09-29 23:01:43

they dont deserve to be chunnin
CptByakuyaKuchiki ::: Favorites  2007-10-04 20:28:18

Man Meizu is my favorite,and so what if they are not strong,they can always improve ,and they look good enough to kick ass
0707kik ::: Favorites  2007-10-07 18:43:20

Yeah i agree lordakira i gave your comment a thumbs up.
keithcalero47 ::: Favorites  2007-10-26 23:01:36

-____- Those are the type of Shinobi that give the Mist Village a bad name.

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